Welcome to my website.
There are three strands to my work. I make abstract, colour-rich wearables that integrate knitting, sewing and embroidery into a coherent art statement that walks into the world instead of just hanging over your couch. I create wall hangings with a landscape focus because I love my Prairie home and find it a challenge to reflect it in coloured cloth and thread.
- September 19-22: Art Now/Craft Is at Prairie Land Park, Saskatoon. Work will be available in the Art Now Craft Council Booth and I will have a booth on the Craft Is side featuring my landscape art.
- September 28/29, 2024: Open House weekend at my home studio and gallery; 10:00am to 5:00pm
- October 5, 2024: Silver Willow Fibre Festival in Saskatoon.
- November 14-December 14, 2024: Threads at Dervilia Gallery in Saskatoon. Opening night, November 14
- July 19, 2025: Prairie Art Road Trip
Please give me a call and book a visit anytime. There are many jackets not on the website as well as knitted wear and a new product, bookmarks. If you visit me to do your shopping, taxes are included in the price. Phone: (306) 948-2947 and leave a message, or (306) 948-7147 to make an appointment.